Edward M. Hundert

Edward M. Hundert, M.D. is currently Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard Medical School, where is he also Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Dr. Hundert is also currently a member of the TIAA Board of Trustees of TIAA-CREF.



Dr. Hundert was graduated from Yale University, summa cum laude, in 1978 with degree in mathematics and the history of science and medicine and the natural sciences, receiving Yale’s annual Russell Henry Chittenden Prize “to the graduating senior with highest standing in mathematics and the natural sciences.” He attended Oxford University as a Marshall Scholar, earning a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics in 1980. He received his M.D. in 1984 from Harvard Medical School, where he remained to do his residency training in psychiatry at McLean Hospital.


After continuing on the Harvard psychiatry and medical ethics Faculty following his residency, Dr. Hundert served as Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Harvard Medical School from 1990 to 1997. From 1997 to 2002, he was Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education and then Dean of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. During this time, he led the development of Rochester’s “Double Helix Curriculum.” From 2002-2006, he was President of Case Western Reserve University. After a vote of no confidence by faculty in the College and Arts and Sciences in 2006, Dr. Hundert resigned as president of Case University, voicing his continued support for the faculty and university, and returning to Harvard, where he continues to teach the medical ethics and professionalism curriculum and lead the faculty development programs for courses leading to the M.D. degree.


Dr. Hundert’s articles on education, ethics, psychiatry and philosophy have appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Journal of Psychiatry, Academic Medicine, Psychiatry, Medical Education, and the Journal of Clinical Ethics. His books include Philosophy, Psychiatry and Neuroscience: Three Approaches to the Mind (Oxford University Press, 1989) and Lessons from an Optical Illusion: On Nature and Nurture, Knowledge and Values (Harvard University Press, 1995).


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